Call for papers

Call for papers

We kindly invite you to help shape this conference through submission of your high quality research papers and clinical studies, describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, empirical, experimental, or clinical work in all areas of craniosacral therapy and adjacent fields addressing the theme of the conference.

Types of paper

* Academic research papers
* PhD papers
* Case and Clinical studies
* Work in-progress or Posters
* Non-Academic or Practitioner contributions

The first step is always submitting an abstract describing your work. If your abstract is selected, you will have the choice to develop it further into a paper, a presentation or poster. The work should be original and not have been published elsewhere nor should it be submitted elsewhere during the review period. You will need to register for the conference to have a confirmed timeslot.

Topics 2020

Any topic emphasizing the existence and working of the craniosacral system and its principles  to highlight cranio as a connecting field.


Read the submission guidelines


Submit your abstract


From abstract to published conference proceedings


All abstracts received by the published deadline are reviewed by the scientific committee for relevance to the congress and its theme. Notifications of abstract selection will be sent out to the authors.


All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by members of the scientific committee according to the following criteria: adequate academic standard, in line with submitted abstract, suitable length, adequate English, and appropriately referenced. Notifications of paper acceptance will be sent out to the authors according to the timetable (cf. key dates).

In case an author fails to register after his/her paper has been reviewed ánd accepted (with or without change requests), a €75 review fee will be charged. No exceptions allowed.

Conference proceedings

Papers that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The conference proceedings will have an ISSN and will be assigned an ISBN on publication. Multiple papers accepted for publication and presentation by the same author require a registration fee for each paper to be included in the proceedings.

In addition, papers presented at the conference will also be considered for further development and possible publication in relevant journals. The selected list of journals is under discussion. Conference proceedings will be provided to journal editors who can make a selection in case the work is appropriate and of sufficient quality for the journal. Individual journal procedures apply.

Types of Papers

Academic research papers

Papers should address the theme of the congress using a wide range of research methodologies, including empirical or theoretical studies. Underlying assumptions should be clarified with sufficient background information to support any reader in the particular subject area.

Case and Clinical studies

Submissions of case studies and clinical studies should be written to the same publishable academic standards. They are subjected to the same criteria and processes as research papers.

Work-in-progress papers or Posters

Researchers are invited to submit current projects which are either at the proposal stage or are work in progress. Upon acceptance, presentation of the work in progress will take the form of a poster for display during the whole congress.  A timeslot will be foreseen for contributors to discuss their posters with fellow participants.  The Best Poster Award will be granted to the poster with the highest number of votes given by the participants.

Read the submission guidelines
PhD papers

PhD students are invited to submit their research work which is subjected to the same criteria and processes as research papers. To be eligible, the work must be produced by the PhD student him/herself as lead author and at publishable academic standards, and the PhD student must present the work at the congress if accepted. However, reviewers are aware that final results may not have been fully completed and explained.

PhD Colloquium

To advance PhD students in their work, a Colloquium will be organized to provide constructive feedback on the work from academics and/or professionals. A prize will be awarded to the best PhD paper presented at the congress.

Non-academic and practioner contributions

The conference committee welcomes contributions from individuals, practioners, professionals and organizations working in the cranio field. These contributions can take the form of a presentation, a poster or a demonstration.